

Wa(h)re Lügen, Original und Fälschung im Dialog, Schloss Britz Berlin

Wa(h)re Lügen – Original und Fälschung im Dialog Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz, Berlin 18.10.2008 – 1.02.2009 Thematic exhibition about falsifications and originals in art. Originals by Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Otto Mueller, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Conrad Felixmüller, Käthe Kollwitz and Otto Dix. The falsifications are from the LKA-Archiv Baden-Württemberg (cr
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Concrete skies/Kiddy phone pics, temporary gallery Berlin

Concrete skies/Kidy phone picts The show presents Concrete Skies, photographs of the L.A. freeway system by american photographer David Miller and mobile phone pictures by Katia Hermann. Kiddy phone pics are telling the story of the kids daily life in the neighborhood of Berlin-Neukölln. Off-Exhibition for the festival Nacht und Nebel in Berlin-Neukölln and the month of photography 2006. Location: Temporary gallery,
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Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992, Schloss Britz Berlin

Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992 8.03.2008 -13.07.2008 Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz, Berlin The exhibition shows 80 graphic works by austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (from 1951 to 1997), including all of his portfolios, some rare paintings, ceramics, the complete Brockhaus edition and the Hundertwasser bible. His famous prints are : “Die Flucht des Dalai-Lama”
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