- Home
- Exhibitions
- Duo show BERLIN Stillgelegt/Kiezreport at 48h Neukölln 2024
- Solo show LEBENSZEICHEN / Sign of life – by Thomas Bratzke a.k.a. ZASD
- PAPERY – group show with original paper works @RETRAMP
- Point of view(s)-Blick und Richtung, group show Schloss Biesdorf, co-curated with Karin Scheel
- Group show WEITERBILDUNG – RESHAPED : Jessica Buhlmann, Liviu Bulea and Katrin Kampmann, co-curated with Linda Toivio @RETRAMP
- Solo show CREAM – Nischengold & Schriftverkehr @RETRAMP Berlin
- Solo show Marta Colombo, Feeling purple, co-curated with Valentina Galossi ©Retramp
- Duo show with Caitlin Hespe & Ida Lawrence “A bird in the grass is worth a thousand hearts” @RETRAMP
- Solo show @Retramp: Breaking-Your-Mother’s-Heart – Bugra Erol
- Initiator of: FRÜHJAHRSPUTZSMANIFEST- An exhibition and collaboration by Laure Catugier & Elma Riza @RETRAMP
- Online group show NATURARTIS @Berlin Collective
- Photo exhibition “Works in Process” by Jürgen Große @Retramp
- Performance BLEIB AUFM TEPPICH /BROOKLYN EDITION by Kadir Amigo Memis @Retramp
- Solo Show Willi Tomes “Groove tectonics” @Retramp
- URBAN ART WEEKEND II 48h Neukölln Online Edition 2020/curator
- Duo show “INVENTORY”, Xavier Krilyk & Willi Tomes @Retramp
- Photo exhibition BERLIN: Writing Graffiti @Manufacture 111Bruxelles
- Production manager “SAYPE with BEYOND WALLS in Berlin”
- Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
- URBAN ART WEEK 2019/ Program coordination & movie night
- URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
- Co-curator “Back Of(f) Future”/group show with Brad Downey • Laure Catugier •Thomas Bratzke / Zasd •Mathieu Brohan • Willi Tomes •Teco de Luccia • Akin
- ZwischenWelten: Aus der Strafanstalt in die Kunstkantine / exhibition / curation
- Urban Art Week 2018/Berlin 2018/co-initiator & program coordination & film program
- SORRY! Thematic exhibition Berlin Graffiti Writing 1983-today
- MaskeZwischenWelten – ein Projekt von Gangway e.V. & der Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin, Abgeordnetenhaus
- ZwischenWelten
- Room of thoughts – a participative installation by Kathrin Ollroge, HU Berlin
- DREAMSTATE by George Peck, HU Berlin
- Arabellion – Antique & art fair Sindelfingen
- ARTWALK GOES CATWALK, Marriott Hotel Berlin
- Reporting…a revolution (continued), Copenhagen Photo Festival
- Reporting…a revolution (continued), Freies Museum Berlin
- Translating HipHop – Joe Conzo’s photography, HKW Berlin
- The story of a youth facility 1956-2011/Haus der Jugend Anne Frank, Berlin
- Here and now…amnesia, thematic group exhibition, savvy contemporary Berlin
- Marilyn Monroe-The Last Sitting, photographs by Bert Stern from 1962, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Phantomschaltung, group exhibition at Fernmeldeamt Berlin
- Wa(h)re Lügen, Original und Fälschung im Dialog, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Concrete skies/Kiddy phone pics, temporary gallery Berlin
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Executive production, Tu parles !? le français…, MAC Lyon/Bruxelles
- Museography French Pavilion, Expo 2000 Hanovre
- Solo show Ulrike Bolenz, APE London
- Film-TV-Audio
- Audioguide retrospective Martha Cooper Taking Pictures@Urban Nation Berlin
- Co-director “5 Minutes with STOHEAD”/ ARTE creative
- Assistant director Diego Velázquez-Le réalisme sauvage, 2014
- Assistant production/translations Applaus, 2014
- Producer (stand in), ARTE journal, Berlin, since 2009
- Subtitles german/french for Dasein Projekt 2009-2011
- Research, translations, Les deux vies d’Eva, 2005
- Subtitles german,The Whisperers, 2005
- Subtitles/translations german, Into great silence, 2004
- Translation script & subtitles french, Sophiiie! 2003
- Assistant producer, Eierdiebe, 2001
- Assistant production, George Perros, 1999
- Regieassistentin, Devos à l’Olympia, 1999
- Publications
- Print: Interviews for Abstract Graffiti Magazine issue 4 to 10
- Interview: Kenneth Letsoin (NL): Abstract painting guided by pure intuition since 35 years @UP
- Interview: Igor Ponosov (RUS): Artist, curator, researcher, author and publisher focused on Urban Art since 20 years
- Review: ILLEGAL. Street Art Graffiti 1960-1995: Thematic exhibition and publication
- Essay: LAGUNA in Spain: From style and figuration to abstract organic painting
- Essay: Xavi Ceerre in Spain: Confluences and fusions in abstraction
- Book review: 28 years later: 2nd edition of “Theory of Style – The Liberation of the Alphabet” (from 1996)
- „SUMER pieces“: Howtokillagraffiti shows new subject graffpaintings
- Book Review: Essential posthumous monograph “Daniel Weissbach aka COST aka DTagno”
- Essay: Anders Reventlov in Denmark: Automatic script on paper and walls
- Essay: Blazej Rusin, Poland: Abstract post-graffiti painting with spirit
- Essay: Salvaje Selva in Spain: Expressive abstraction with engraving techniques on walls
- Essay: Taleggio in Italy: From letters to playful abstraction
- Interview: Sascha Missfeldt, Berlin @AGM Magazin
- Text: SEIKON (PL) : Sketching every day and painting non-figurative forms
- Interview with ichbin3oeltanks, Berlin
- Essay: Emilio Cerezo in Spain: From style and characters to painting
- Essay: OLLIO in Sweden: Experimental abstraction since more than 20 years
- Review: : „born to graff. Graffiti in Marzahn-Hellersdorf“
- Essay: Duncan Passmore (UK) in Berlin: From figurative to abstract in the streets
- Essay: The British pioneer Remi ROUGH: from style writing to compositional abstraction
- Essay: BILOS (GR) : Letters and shapes as living creatures
- Review solo show POLYPTYCHONSZ by Howtokillagraffiti ©Urban Spree Gallery
- Essay: POPAY (FR) – Graffiti writing, illustration, Figuration libre
- Essay: DAFNE Tree (ESP) : Drawing, architecture, lettering and painting in situ
- Essay: SRGER in Spain: From graffiti writing to lyrical abstraction
- Essay: Jeroen EROSIE (NL): Freedom of the artist mind through the drawn line
- Essay: Australian artist Ash Keating: Subversive abstract impressionist Action Painting
- Essay: Biomorph abstract graffiti by Italian artist 108: From letters to enigmatic numbers
- Essay:PETRO, post graffiti in Russia: Creating aesthetics with the power of the mind
- Essay: SLAK, Russian constructivist graffiti: Detachment from reality and time
- Essay: Arnaud ENROC in France: Space for play and intuition
- Essay: CT in Italy: Minimal graffiti art in situ
- Text:BIMS – From 3D style to painterly geometric abstraction
- Review solo show: Mr Funky Chicken // Styles
- Text: SENOR (Paris/Athens): Capturing the essence through freestyle
- Text publication Tramontana Issue 05-2021//Theme Berlin Halls of fame 80ies/90ies
- Photo publication and Interview in Boulevard Nr.2
- The French GREKY: From Bombing to Gestural Painting
- Text @UP: Peter Stelzig publishes Berlin Graffiti book: “DECADES vol. 1 (1990-2000)”
- Text: CREAM – Style Writing shaped by exchange and experimentation
- Text: DIMA GRED in Moscow: Minimal graffiti art
- Text: ISHEM – Compose freely and surprise yourself
- Text: BOE – The creation of piece-prototypes
- Book review ROGER – NEVER BE LATE published @Hitzerot
- Text for BASE23
- Text: Lo Milo – The interventionist line
- Text: ELIOTE – The mood of a piece
- Text: Berlin Writer Gate – Essential reduction and fields of tension
- Text: The Berlin Graffiti Writer KASE – Every picture is a finding process
- Interview with urban artist Alaniz
- Text: L’OUTSIDER – Typographic Abstraction
- Text: The own path of SOZI36
- Text: KERA – To remain free despite exact planning
- Text: STOHEAD – The mastered spontaneous painting gesture
- Text: El Bocho – to intervene and stimulate with street art
- BERLIN: WRITING GRAFFITI exhibition catalogue published @Hitzerot
- Text: German Urban Pop Art / exhibition review
- Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
- URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
- Text: NEON writing my name / portrait
- Review: ARTBASE
- Review: Bold solo show “FRI | Vol. 2” by Rocco and his brothers / review
- News: New Hall of Fame @ Parkaue Lichtenberg
- Völklinger Hütte presents the 5th Urban Art Biennale 2019 Unlimited
- #litfaßgoesurbanart – unexpected art action
- BLN-SF connection of Christian Rothanhagen/deerBLN, capturing time before urban space disappears
- BERLIN GRAPHIC DAYS #13-with some surprises
- Kouka, the intercultural contextual artist
- David Bloch Gallery in Marrakech-Contemporary art and roots in graffiti culture
- „The big jump“ by Victor Ash
- Expected film by Rocco and his brothers “Blaues Licht” (Blue Light)
- SP38, the indefatiguable @ Street Art Berlin
- Obit to the SORRY! exhibition @ urbanpresents
- Jonas Burgert- monography for KUENSTLER/Artists, Critical Dictionary of Contemporary Art, fall 2018
- Consulting for Lab – Life of Artists in Berlin: An Art Guide
- Jonny Star solo show The Cycle Room – text for press release
- POPAY @ BOMMA Galerie Paris
- The art of POPAY @ WideWalls
- For the exhibition Paper Works II, TS Art Projects
- For the Exhibition Drawings, TS Art Projects
- Exhibition catalogue of Reporting a revolution (continued)
- Exhibition catalogue Here and now… amnesia, savvy contemporary
- 2. Ausgabe Berlin-Paris: Ein Beispiel für deutsch-französischen Kunst- und Kulturaustausch
- Business Class in Paris: US-Künstlerin Nicole Cohen zeigt neue Arbeiten
- „Abschied von gestern“: Katrin Kampmann in Ludwigsburg
- Von L.A. nach Berlin: Marisa Mandler in der Galerie Wohnmaschine in Berlin
- Kunst und Kalter Krieg im Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin
- Ulrike Bolenz zwischen Fotografie und Malerei auf der Berliner Liste 2009
- Afrika in Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum zeigt neue und alte Schätze
- Erotische Werke von George Grosz aus Berlin verschwunden
- elles@centrepompidou zeigt ein Jahr lang nur Künstlerinnen
- LOGE, die kleinste Ausstellungsfläche Berlins inszeniert S.H.E.
- BORDERS: Internationale Gruppenausstellung in Berlin
- „Vielfalt!“ Eine Mitmach-Ausstellung zur Toleranz im Schloss Britz
- Verbot: „Our body-à corps ouvert“ in Paris musste räumen
- Der Einzelgänger Otto Mueller in der Galerie Nierendorf
- Vielbeachtung für Graffiti-Ausstellung TAG in Paris
- “Our body – à corps ouvert”, umstrittene Ausstellung in Paris
- Charlotte Roches Bestseller endlich auch “Zones humides”
- BOUROUINA GALLERY: dynamisch und schön frech
- Die Paris-Berlin Verbindung auf poetischem Weg
- Excerpt M.A. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne : Ulrike Bolenz (text in french)
- More
- Bio
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