Duo show BERLIN Stillgelegt/Kiezreport 6de.de at 48h Neukölln 2024
Solo show LEBENSZEICHEN / Sign of life – by Thomas Bratzke a.k.a. ZASD
PAPERY – group show with original paper works @RETRAMP
Point of view(s)-Blick und Richtung, group show Schloss Biesdorf, co-curated with Karin Scheel
Group show WEITERBILDUNG – RESHAPED : Jessica Buhlmann, Liviu Bulea and Katrin Kampmann, co-curated with Linda Toivio @RETRAMP
Solo show CREAM – Nischengold & Schriftverkehr @RETRAMP Berlin
Solo show Marta Colombo, Feeling purple, co-curated with Valentina Galossi ©Retramp
Duo show with Caitlin Hespe & Ida Lawrence “A bird in the grass is worth a thousand hearts” @RETRAMP
Solo show @Retramp: Breaking-Your-Mother’s-Heart – Bugra Erol
Initiator of: FRÜHJAHRSPUTZSMANIFEST- An exhibition and collaboration by Laure Catugier & Elma Riza @RETRAMP
Online group show NATURARTIS @Berlin Collective
Photo exhibition “Works in Process” by Jürgen Große @Retramp
Performance BLEIB AUFM TEPPICH /BROOKLYN EDITION by Kadir Amigo Memis @Retramp
Solo Show Willi Tomes “Groove tectonics” @Retramp
URBAN ART WEEKEND II 48h Neukölln Online Edition 2020/curator
Duo show “INVENTORY”, Xavier Krilyk & Willi Tomes @Retramp
Photo exhibition BERLIN: Writing Graffiti @Manufacture 111Bruxelles
Production manager “SAYPE with BEYOND WALLS in Berlin”
Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
URBAN ART WEEK 2019/ Program coordination & movie night
URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
Co-curator “Back Of(f) Future”/group show with Brad Downey • Laure Catugier •Thomas Bratzke / Zasd •Mathieu Brohan • Willi Tomes •Teco de Luccia • Akin
ZwischenWelten: Aus der Strafanstalt in die Kunstkantine / exhibition / curation
Urban Art Week 2018/Berlin 2018/co-initiator & program coordination & film program
SORRY! Thematic exhibition Berlin Graffiti Writing 1983-today
MaskeZwischenWelten – ein Projekt von Gangway e.V. & der Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin, Abgeordnetenhaus
Room of thoughts – a participative installation by Kathrin Ollroge, HU Berlin
DREAMSTATE by George Peck, HU Berlin
Arabellion – Antique & art fair Sindelfingen
ARTWALK GOES CATWALK, Marriott Hotel Berlin
Reporting…a revolution (continued), Copenhagen Photo Festival
Reporting…a revolution (continued), Freies Museum Berlin
Translating HipHop – Joe Conzo’s photography, HKW Berlin
The story of a youth facility 1956-2011/Haus der Jugend Anne Frank, Berlin
Here and now…amnesia, thematic group exhibition, savvy contemporary Berlin
Marilyn Monroe-The Last Sitting, photographs by Bert Stern from 1962, Schloss Britz Berlin
Phantomschaltung, group exhibition at Fernmeldeamt Berlin
Wa(h)re Lügen, Original und Fälschung im Dialog, Schloss Britz Berlin
Concrete skies/Kiddy phone pics, temporary gallery Berlin
Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992, Schloss Britz Berlin
Executive production, Tu parles !? le français…, MAC Lyon/Bruxelles
Museography French Pavilion, Expo 2000 Hanovre
Solo show Ulrike Bolenz, APE London
Audioguide retrospective Martha Cooper Taking Pictures@Urban Nation Berlin
Co-director “5 Minutes with STOHEAD”/ ARTE creative
Assistant director Diego Velázquez-Le réalisme sauvage, 2014
Assistant production/translations Applaus, 2014
Producer (stand in), ARTE journal, Berlin, since 2009
Subtitles german/french for Dasein Projekt 2009-2011
Research, translations, Les deux vies d’Eva, 2005
Subtitles german,The Whisperers, 2005
Subtitles/translations german, Into great silence, 2004
Translation script & subtitles french, Sophiiie! 2003
Assistant producer, Eierdiebe, 2001
Assistant production, George Perros, 1999
Regieassistentin, Devos à l’Olympia, 1999
Print: Interviews for Abstract Graffiti Magazine issue 4 to 10
Interview: Kenneth Letsoin (NL): Abstract painting guided by pure intuition since 35 years @UP
Interview: Igor Ponosov (RUS): Artist, curator, researcher, author and publisher focused on Urban Art since 20 years
Review: ILLEGAL. Street Art Graffiti 1960-1995: Thematic exhibition and publication
Essay: LAGUNA in Spain: From style and figuration to abstract organic painting
Essay: Xavi Ceerre in Spain: Confluences and fusions in abstraction
Book review: 28 years later: 2nd edition of “Theory of Style – The Liberation of the Alphabet” (from 1996)
„SUMER pieces“: Howtokillagraffiti shows new subject graffpaintings
Book Review: Essential posthumous monograph “Daniel Weissbach aka COST aka DTagno”
Essay: Anders Reventlov in Denmark: Automatic script on paper and walls
Essay: Blazej Rusin, Poland: Abstract post-graffiti painting with spirit
Essay: Salvaje Selva in Spain: Expressive abstraction with engraving techniques on walls
Essay: Taleggio in Italy: From letters to playful abstraction
Interview: Sascha Missfeldt, Berlin @AGM Magazin
Text: SEIKON (PL) : Sketching every day and painting non-figurative forms
Interview with ichbin3oeltanks, Berlin
Essay: Emilio Cerezo in Spain: From style and characters to painting
Essay: OLLIO in Sweden: Experimental abstraction since more than 20 years
Review: : „born to graff. Graffiti in Marzahn-Hellersdorf“
Essay: Duncan Passmore (UK) in Berlin: From figurative to abstract in the streets
Essay: The British pioneer Remi ROUGH: from style writing to compositional abstraction
Essay: BILOS (GR) : Letters and shapes as living creatures
Review solo show POLYPTYCHONSZ by Howtokillagraffiti ©Urban Spree Gallery
Essay: POPAY (FR) – Graffiti writing, illustration, Figuration libre
Essay: DAFNE Tree (ESP) : Drawing, architecture, lettering and painting in situ
Essay: SRGER in Spain: From graffiti writing to lyrical abstraction
Essay: Jeroen EROSIE (NL): Freedom of the artist mind through the drawn line
Essay: Australian artist Ash Keating: Subversive abstract impressionist Action Painting
Essay: Biomorph abstract graffiti by Italian artist 108: From letters to enigmatic numbers
Essay:PETRO, post graffiti in Russia: Creating aesthetics with the power of the mind
Essay: SLAK, Russian constructivist graffiti: Detachment from reality and time
Essay: Arnaud ENROC in France: Space for play and intuition
Essay: CT in Italy: Minimal graffiti art in situ
Text:BIMS – From 3D style to painterly geometric abstraction
Review solo show: Mr Funky Chicken // Styles
Text: SENOR (Paris/Athens): Capturing the essence through freestyle
Text publication Tramontana Issue 05-2021//Theme Berlin Halls of fame 80ies/90ies
Photo publication and Interview in Boulevard Nr.2
The French GREKY: From Bombing to Gestural Painting
Text @UP: Peter Stelzig publishes Berlin Graffiti book: “DECADES vol. 1 (1990-2000)”
Text: CREAM – Style Writing shaped by exchange and experimentation
Text: DIMA GRED in Moscow: Minimal graffiti art
Text: ISHEM – Compose freely and surprise yourself
Text: BOE – The creation of piece-prototypes
Book review ROGER – NEVER BE LATE published @Hitzerot
Text for BASE23
Text: Lo Milo – The interventionist line
Text: ELIOTE – The mood of a piece
Text: Berlin Writer Gate – Essential reduction and fields of tension
Text: The Berlin Graffiti Writer KASE – Every picture is a finding process
Interview with urban artist Alaniz
Text: L’OUTSIDER – Typographic Abstraction
Text: The own path of SOZI36
Text: KERA – To remain free despite exact planning
Text: STOHEAD – The mastered spontaneous painting gesture
Text: El Bocho – to intervene and stimulate with street art
BERLIN: WRITING GRAFFITI exhibition catalogue published @Hitzerot
Text: German Urban Pop Art / exhibition review
Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
Text: NEON writing my name / portrait
Review: Bold solo show “FRI | Vol. 2” by Rocco and his brothers / review
News: New Hall of Fame @ Parkaue Lichtenberg
Völklinger Hütte presents the 5th Urban Art Biennale 2019 Unlimited
#litfaßgoesurbanart – unexpected art action
BLN-SF connection of Christian Rothanhagen/deerBLN, capturing time before urban space disappears
BERLIN GRAPHIC DAYS #13-with some surprises
Kouka, the intercultural contextual artist
David Bloch Gallery in Marrakech-Contemporary art and roots in graffiti culture
„The big jump“ by Victor Ash
Expected film by Rocco and his brothers “Blaues Licht” (Blue Light)
SP38, the indefatiguable @ Street Art Berlin
Obit to the SORRY! exhibition @ urbanpresents
Jonas Burgert- monography for KUENSTLER/Artists, Critical Dictionary of Contemporary Art, fall 2018
Consulting for Lab – Life of Artists in Berlin: An Art Guide
Jonny Star solo show The Cycle Room – text for press release
POPAY @ BOMMA Galerie Paris
The art of POPAY @ WideWalls
For the exhibition Paper Works II, TS Art Projects
For the Exhibition Drawings, TS Art Projects
Exhibition catalogue of Reporting a revolution (continued)
Exhibition catalogue Here and now… amnesia, savvy contemporary
2. Ausgabe Berlin-Paris: Ein Beispiel für deutsch-französischen Kunst- und Kulturaustausch
Business Class in Paris: US-Künstlerin Nicole Cohen zeigt neue Arbeiten
„Abschied von gestern“: Katrin Kampmann in Ludwigsburg
Von L.A. nach Berlin: Marisa Mandler in der Galerie Wohnmaschine in Berlin
Kunst und Kalter Krieg im Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin
Ulrike Bolenz zwischen Fotografie und Malerei auf der Berliner Liste 2009
Afrika in Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum zeigt neue und alte Schätze
Erotische Werke von George Grosz aus Berlin verschwunden
elles@centrepompidou zeigt ein Jahr lang nur Künstlerinnen
LOGE, die kleinste Ausstellungsfläche Berlins inszeniert S.H.E.
BORDERS: Internationale Gruppenausstellung in Berlin
„Vielfalt!“ Eine Mitmach-Ausstellung zur Toleranz im Schloss Britz
Verbot: „Our body-à corps ouvert“ in Paris musste räumen
Der Einzelgänger Otto Mueller in der Galerie Nierendorf
Vielbeachtung für Graffiti-Ausstellung TAG in Paris
“Our body – à corps ouvert”, umstrittene Ausstellung in Paris
Charlotte Roches Bestseller endlich auch “Zones humides”
BOUROUINA GALLERY: dynamisch und schön frech
Die Paris-Berlin Verbindung auf poetischem Weg
Excerpt M.A. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne : Ulrike Bolenz (text in french)
Member of
Video essays
Guided tours in urban space Berlin
Jury member Playground Art Prize 2019 / Galerie Von&Von
Examining for Stockholm University – MA Curating Art
Audio guide concept & production manager MARTHA COOPER: TAKING PICTURES
— Main Menu —
- Duo show BERLIN Stillgelegt/Kiezreport 6de.de at 48h Neukölln 2024
- Solo show LEBENSZEICHEN / Sign of life – by Thomas Bratzke a.k.a. ZASD
- PAPERY – group show with original paper works @RETRAMP
- Point of view(s)-Blick und Richtung, group show Schloss Biesdorf, co-curated with Karin Scheel
- Group show WEITERBILDUNG – RESHAPED : Jessica Buhlmann, Liviu Bulea and Katrin Kampmann, co-curated with Linda Toivio @RETRAMP
- Solo show CREAM – Nischengold & Schriftverkehr @RETRAMP Berlin
- Solo show Marta Colombo, Feeling purple, co-curated with Valentina Galossi ©Retramp
- Duo show with Caitlin Hespe & Ida Lawrence “A bird in the grass is worth a thousand hearts” @RETRAMP
- Solo show @Retramp: Breaking-Your-Mother’s-Heart – Bugra Erol
- Initiator of: FRÜHJAHRSPUTZSMANIFEST- An exhibition and collaboration by Laure Catugier & Elma Riza @RETRAMP
- Online group show NATURARTIS @Berlin Collective
- Photo exhibition “Works in Process” by Jürgen Große @Retramp
- Performance BLEIB AUFM TEPPICH /BROOKLYN EDITION by Kadir Amigo Memis @Retramp
- Solo Show Willi Tomes “Groove tectonics” @Retramp
- URBAN ART WEEKEND II 48h Neukölln Online Edition 2020/curator
- Duo show “INVENTORY”, Xavier Krilyk & Willi Tomes @Retramp
- Photo exhibition BERLIN: Writing Graffiti @Manufacture 111Bruxelles
- Production manager “SAYPE with BEYOND WALLS in Berlin”
- Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
- URBAN ART WEEK 2019/ Program coordination & movie night
- URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
- Co-curator “Back Of(f) Future”/group show with Brad Downey • Laure Catugier •Thomas Bratzke / Zasd •Mathieu Brohan • Willi Tomes •Teco de Luccia • Akin
- ZwischenWelten: Aus der Strafanstalt in die Kunstkantine / exhibition / curation
- Urban Art Week 2018/Berlin 2018/co-initiator & program coordination & film program
- SORRY! Thematic exhibition Berlin Graffiti Writing 1983-today
- MaskeZwischenWelten – ein Projekt von Gangway e.V. & der Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin, Abgeordnetenhaus
- ZwischenWelten
- Room of thoughts – a participative installation by Kathrin Ollroge, HU Berlin
- DREAMSTATE by George Peck, HU Berlin
- Arabellion – Antique & art fair Sindelfingen
- ARTWALK GOES CATWALK, Marriott Hotel Berlin
- Reporting…a revolution (continued), Copenhagen Photo Festival
- Reporting…a revolution (continued), Freies Museum Berlin
- Translating HipHop – Joe Conzo’s photography, HKW Berlin
- The story of a youth facility 1956-2011/Haus der Jugend Anne Frank, Berlin
- Here and now…amnesia, thematic group exhibition, savvy contemporary Berlin
- Marilyn Monroe-The Last Sitting, photographs by Bert Stern from 1962, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Phantomschaltung, group exhibition at Fernmeldeamt Berlin
- Wa(h)re Lügen, Original und Fälschung im Dialog, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Concrete skies/Kiddy phone pics, temporary gallery Berlin
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992, Schloss Britz Berlin
- Executive production, Tu parles !? le français…, MAC Lyon/Bruxelles
- Museography French Pavilion, Expo 2000 Hanovre
- Solo show Ulrike Bolenz, APE London
- Audioguide retrospective Martha Cooper Taking Pictures@Urban Nation Berlin
- Co-director “5 Minutes with STOHEAD”/ ARTE creative
- Assistant director Diego Velázquez-Le réalisme sauvage, 2014
- Assistant production/translations Applaus, 2014
- Producer (stand in), ARTE journal, Berlin, since 2009
- Subtitles german/french for Dasein Projekt 2009-2011
- Research, translations, Les deux vies d’Eva, 2005
- Subtitles german,The Whisperers, 2005
- Subtitles/translations german, Into great silence, 2004
- Translation script & subtitles french, Sophiiie! 2003
- Assistant producer, Eierdiebe, 2001
- Assistant production, George Perros, 1999
- Regieassistentin, Devos à l’Olympia, 1999
- Print: Interviews for Abstract Graffiti Magazine issue 4 to 10
- Interview: Kenneth Letsoin (NL): Abstract painting guided by pure intuition since 35 years @UP
- Interview: Igor Ponosov (RUS): Artist, curator, researcher, author and publisher focused on Urban Art since 20 years
- Review: ILLEGAL. Street Art Graffiti 1960-1995: Thematic exhibition and publication
- Essay: LAGUNA in Spain: From style and figuration to abstract organic painting
- Essay: Xavi Ceerre in Spain: Confluences and fusions in abstraction
- Book review: 28 years later: 2nd edition of “Theory of Style – The Liberation of the Alphabet” (from 1996)
- „SUMER pieces“: Howtokillagraffiti shows new subject graffpaintings
- Book Review: Essential posthumous monograph “Daniel Weissbach aka COST aka DTagno”
- Essay: Anders Reventlov in Denmark: Automatic script on paper and walls
- Essay: Blazej Rusin, Poland: Abstract post-graffiti painting with spirit
- Essay: Salvaje Selva in Spain: Expressive abstraction with engraving techniques on walls
- Essay: Taleggio in Italy: From letters to playful abstraction
- Interview: Sascha Missfeldt, Berlin @AGM Magazin
- Text: SEIKON (PL) : Sketching every day and painting non-figurative forms
- Interview with ichbin3oeltanks, Berlin
- Essay: Emilio Cerezo in Spain: From style and characters to painting
- Essay: OLLIO in Sweden: Experimental abstraction since more than 20 years
- Review: : „born to graff. Graffiti in Marzahn-Hellersdorf“
- Essay: Duncan Passmore (UK) in Berlin: From figurative to abstract in the streets
- Essay: The British pioneer Remi ROUGH: from style writing to compositional abstraction
- Essay: BILOS (GR) : Letters and shapes as living creatures
- Review solo show POLYPTYCHONSZ by Howtokillagraffiti ©Urban Spree Gallery
- Essay: POPAY (FR) – Graffiti writing, illustration, Figuration libre
- Essay: DAFNE Tree (ESP) : Drawing, architecture, lettering and painting in situ
- Essay: SRGER in Spain: From graffiti writing to lyrical abstraction
- Essay: Jeroen EROSIE (NL): Freedom of the artist mind through the drawn line
- Essay: Australian artist Ash Keating: Subversive abstract impressionist Action Painting
- Essay: Biomorph abstract graffiti by Italian artist 108: From letters to enigmatic numbers
- Essay:PETRO, post graffiti in Russia: Creating aesthetics with the power of the mind
- Essay: SLAK, Russian constructivist graffiti: Detachment from reality and time
- Essay: Arnaud ENROC in France: Space for play and intuition
- Essay: CT in Italy: Minimal graffiti art in situ
- Text:BIMS – From 3D style to painterly geometric abstraction
- Review solo show: Mr Funky Chicken // Styles
- Text: SENOR (Paris/Athens): Capturing the essence through freestyle
- Text publication Tramontana Issue 05-2021//Theme Berlin Halls of fame 80ies/90ies
- Photo publication and Interview in Boulevard Nr.2
- The French GREKY: From Bombing to Gestural Painting
- Text @UP: Peter Stelzig publishes Berlin Graffiti book: “DECADES vol. 1 (1990-2000)”
- Text: CREAM – Style Writing shaped by exchange and experimentation
- Text: DIMA GRED in Moscow: Minimal graffiti art
- Text: ISHEM – Compose freely and surprise yourself
- Text: BOE – The creation of piece-prototypes
- Book review ROGER – NEVER BE LATE published @Hitzerot
- Text for BASE23
- Text: Lo Milo – The interventionist line
- Text: ELIOTE – The mood of a piece
- Text: Berlin Writer Gate – Essential reduction and fields of tension
- Text: The Berlin Graffiti Writer KASE – Every picture is a finding process
- Interview with urban artist Alaniz
- Text: L’OUTSIDER – Typographic Abstraction
- Text: The own path of SOZI36
- Text: KERA – To remain free despite exact planning
- Text: STOHEAD – The mastered spontaneous painting gesture
- Text: El Bocho – to intervene and stimulate with street art
- BERLIN: WRITING GRAFFITI exhibition catalogue published @Hitzerot
- Text: German Urban Pop Art / exhibition review
- Co-curator & writer group show “MON – Museum of Now”
- URBAN ART WEEKend @ Kindl / 48h Neukölln 2019 / co-management
- Text: NEON writing my name / portrait
- Review: ARTBASE
- Review: Bold solo show “FRI | Vol. 2” by Rocco and his brothers / review
- News: New Hall of Fame @ Parkaue Lichtenberg
- Völklinger Hütte presents the 5th Urban Art Biennale 2019 Unlimited
- #litfaßgoesurbanart – unexpected art action
- BLN-SF connection of Christian Rothanhagen/deerBLN, capturing time before urban space disappears
- BERLIN GRAPHIC DAYS #13-with some surprises
- Kouka, the intercultural contextual artist
- David Bloch Gallery in Marrakech-Contemporary art and roots in graffiti culture
- „The big jump“ by Victor Ash
- Expected film by Rocco and his brothers “Blaues Licht” (Blue Light)
- SP38, the indefatiguable @ Street Art Berlin
- Obit to the SORRY! exhibition @ urbanpresents
- Jonas Burgert- monography for KUENSTLER/Artists, Critical Dictionary of Contemporary Art, fall 2018
- Consulting for Lab – Life of Artists in Berlin: An Art Guide
- Jonny Star solo show The Cycle Room – text for press release
- POPAY @ BOMMA Galerie Paris
- The art of POPAY @ WideWalls
- For the exhibition Paper Works II, TS Art Projects
- For the Exhibition Drawings, TS Art Projects
- Exhibition catalogue of Reporting a revolution (continued)
- Exhibition catalogue Here and now… amnesia, savvy contemporary
- 2. Ausgabe Berlin-Paris: Ein Beispiel für deutsch-französischen Kunst- und Kulturaustausch
- Business Class in Paris: US-Künstlerin Nicole Cohen zeigt neue Arbeiten
- „Abschied von gestern“: Katrin Kampmann in Ludwigsburg
- Von L.A. nach Berlin: Marisa Mandler in der Galerie Wohnmaschine in Berlin
- Kunst und Kalter Krieg im Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin
- Ulrike Bolenz zwischen Fotografie und Malerei auf der Berliner Liste 2009
- Afrika in Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum zeigt neue und alte Schätze
- Erotische Werke von George Grosz aus Berlin verschwunden
- elles@centrepompidou zeigt ein Jahr lang nur Künstlerinnen
- LOGE, die kleinste Ausstellungsfläche Berlins inszeniert S.H.E.
- BORDERS: Internationale Gruppenausstellung in Berlin
- „Vielfalt!“ Eine Mitmach-Ausstellung zur Toleranz im Schloss Britz
- Verbot: „Our body-à corps ouvert“ in Paris musste räumen
- Der Einzelgänger Otto Mueller in der Galerie Nierendorf
- Vielbeachtung für Graffiti-Ausstellung TAG in Paris
- “Our body – à corps ouvert”, umstrittene Ausstellung in Paris
- Charlotte Roches Bestseller endlich auch “Zones humides”
- BOUROUINA GALLERY: dynamisch und schön frech
- Die Paris-Berlin Verbindung auf poetischem Weg
- Excerpt M.A. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne : Ulrike Bolenz (text in french)
- Member of
- Video essays
- Guided tours in urban space Berlin
- Consulting
- Translating
- Jury member Playground Art Prize 2019 / Galerie Von&Von
- Examining for Stockholm University – MA Curating Art
- Audio guide concept & production manager MARTHA COOPER: TAKING PICTURES
URBAN ART WEEK 2019/ Program coordination & movie night
05 Sep 2019
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5.09. until 12.09.2019
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